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Garnet Chip Bracelet


  • Promotes success in one’s career, business, or investments

  • Useful for protection while traveling

  • Protects against nightmares and sleep paralysis

  • Excellent stone for manifesting one’s desires

  • Helps overcome depression and energizes one’s mental and physical state

  • Brings stabilization to chaotics events and feelings


Best Crystal Pairings:

Rose Quartz, Emerald, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Obsidian, Hematite, Rutile Quartz


Correlating Zodiac Placements: 

Aries, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio


**You do not need to have these placements in your astrological chart to work with the crystal, it will just have a stronger effect for said placements!**


Garnet Chip Bracelet

Excluding Sales Tax |
Only 9 left in stock
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